Klasyka rocka wydana w maju:

1 Rock Around the Clock (Bill Haley & His Comets) (S - 1954)
1 You're the One That I Want (John Travolty & Olivia Newton-John) (S - 1978)
2 That'll Be The Day (Buddy Holly) (S - 1957)
9 Hello, Dolly! (Louis Armstrong) (S - 1964)
12 A Whiter Shade of Pale (Procol Harum) (S - 1967)
13 San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair) (Scott McKenzie) (S - 1967)
15 In the Wake of Poseidon (King Crimson) (LP - 1970)
16 Pet Sounds (Beach Boys) (LP - 1966)
17 Rising (Rainbow) (LP - 1976)
25 Tubular Bells (Mike Oldfield) (LP - 1973)
25 Holy Diver (Dio) (LP - 1983)
27 Crisis (Mike Oldfield) (LP - 1983)
31 Discovery (ELO) (LP - 1979)

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2014-10-09,  autor: agoosia   ...wicej rnoci

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A ilu z The Beatles?
