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Obecny czas: Wto Lut 18, 2025 5:00 am

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PostWysłany: Czw Paź 05, 2017 10:03 am 
Admiral Halsey
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Rejestracja: Wto Paź 12, 2010 6:31 pm
Posty: 870
Na najnowszym podwójnym cd grupy “The Waterboys'' , znalazłem takie dwa fragmenty :

"The Hammerhead Bar"
Anto took me down to Whistler's place
It was like a scene from a dream
Tarantulas, drapes, magic mushroom cakes
Sharks hanging from the beams
Dave Ruffian was there with a sad-eyed girl
And the son of Ringo Starr
It was a night like any other, man
At the Hammerhead, the Hammerhead, the Hammerhead Bar

"Mister Charisma"
Tell me Mister Charisma
What will your next trick be?
Slagging Sgt Pepper, snorting your old man's bones
Or falling out of a tree
Hold on Mister Charisma

PostWysłany: Śro Paź 18, 2017 7:37 pm 
Admiral Halsey
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Rejestracja: Wto Paź 12, 2010 6:31 pm
Posty: 870
Jeszcze raz The Waterboys i kompozycja Van Morrisona "Sweet Thing'' , z płyty "Fisherman's Blues''. Od 4,25 , Mike Scott cytuje "Blackbird''

PostWysłany: Pią Mar 27, 2020 3:25 pm 
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Rejestracja: Wto Lis 19, 2013 3:54 pm
Posty: 1346
Ku powszechnemu zaskoczeniu, po latach milczenia, Bob Dylan właśnie (27.03.2020) opublikował premierowy utwór - trwające 17 (!) minut dzieło zatytułowane "Murder Most Foul". Punktem wyjściowym tekstu jest zabójstwo prezydenta Johna Fitzgeralda Kennedy'ego (22 listopada 1963 roku, a więc w dniu premiery albumu "With The Beatles"). W tej niezwykłej opowieści jest mnóstwo odniesień (pośrednich i bezpośrednich) do świata show-biznesu, pop-kultury i szeroko rozumianego świata muzyki. Są też dwa nawiązania do Beatlesów:

2'13 - 2'21
Hush, little children, you'll understand
The Beatles are coming, they're gonna hold your hand


Play Number 9


WISH is the future and ASH was the past, what stood in between was WISHBONE ASH.


PostWysłany: Pią Maj 07, 2021 6:47 pm 
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Rejestracja: Wto Lis 19, 2013 3:54 pm
Posty: 1346
Przypadek sprawił, że ostatnio, jednego dnia, usłyszałem po latach te dwa Klasyczne Utwory:

The Clash - London Calling (1979)

London calling to the faraway towns
Now war is declared and battle come down
London calling to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls
London calling, now don't look to us
Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust
London calling, see we ain't got no swing
Except for the ring of the truncheon thing ...

The Who - The Seeker (1970)

I've looked under chairs
I've looked under tables
I've tried to find the key
To fifty million fables
They call me The Seeker
I've been searching low and high
I won't get to get what I'm after
Till the day I die
I asked Bobby Dylan
I asked The Beatles
I asked Timothy Leary
But he couldn't help me either
They call me The Seeker ...

PS. Oprócz Nut, warto też słuchać Słów :)

WISH is the future and ASH was the past, what stood in between was WISHBONE ASH.


PostWysłany: Pon Paź 04, 2021 7:59 am 
Admiral Halsey
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Rejestracja: Wto Paź 12, 2010 6:31 pm
Posty: 870
Na najnowszej płycie grupy Yes ''The Quest'', mamy coś takiego:


"Mystery Tour"
John was a fighter, his fist in a glove
Across the universe, he spoke of love
Paul was a worker but he got the blame
When the party was over, we all felt the same

They let it be like they'd never been born
We heard the silver hammer till the break of dawn

Shining like the moon, the stars and the sun
They knew the revolution had already begun

George played guitar like ringing a bell
Ringo held the beat till the axe fell
Brian was the glue that held it together
Neil and Mal survived the stormy weather

They let it be like they'd never been born
We heard the silver hammer till the break of dawn

Shining like the moon, the stars and the sun
They knew the revolution had already begun
They gave us pins and needles on their Mystery Tour
Through the bathroom window without going out of your door

They came at a time, we'd lost our principles
Never did we sleep, we thought we were invincible
They'd always said you could take yourself higher, higher

As the muddy waters broke the lions heart
They should have known better but they fell apart

Shining like the moon, the stars and the sun
They knew the revolution had already begun
They gave us pins and needles on their Mystery Tour

Through the bathroom window without going out of your door

PostWysłany: Pią Mar 03, 2023 2:00 am 
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Rejestracja: Wto Lis 19, 2013 3:54 pm
Posty: 1346
Historyczne miejsce zespołu Zombies, to oczywiście brytyjskie lata 60. - u schyłku tamtej dekady grupa zakończyła działalność. Niezupełnie… Od ponad trzydziestu lat nieregularnie pojawiają się kolejne nowe albumy firmowane nazwą tego zespołu, którego podstawą byli i są wokalista Colin Blunstone i klawiszowiec Rod Argent.

Najnowsza płyta Zombies - "Different Game" ukaże się w tym miesiącu. Zaś poprzednia - "Still Got That Hunger", sprzed 8 lat, zawiera mało znaczącą żartobliwą piosneczkę z Fabowym odnośnikiem tekstowym (patrz: coda).
[podobno były jakieś kłopoty prawne związane z tą końcówką]


MAYBE TOMORROW (Zombies, 2015)

Maybe tomorrow
We can start again
Kick out the quarrel baby
We can make amends
I can't believe we can't be friends
(After this time, we have to be friends)
You know tomorrow we can start again
Amen, amen!

Maybe tomorrow
Love will find a way
Sleep on the quarrel now
There's nothing left to say
Tomorrow is another day - believe me baby
(Better believe it, there must be a way)
You know tomorrow we can find the way
It'll be ok

Don't turn your back on me baby
When I'm just trying to understand (understand)
'Cause just by walking through that door
You're closing on a world we had
Within the palm of our hands

I can't believe we're still fighting
Baby we can work it out (work it out)
There's no relief in misery
We still got the love inside
You know there's nothing to doubt!

Remember, baby, just how good it used to be
When nothing mattered
In the world, just you and me
And now I'm begging, darling, please - please, please
(Begging you baby, I'm begging you please)
Won't you remember how it used to be
Just you, just me

Maybe tomorrow
We can start again
Kick out the quarrel baby
We can make amends
I can't believe we can't be friends
(After this time, we have to be friends)
You know tomorrow we can start again
Amen, amen, amen!

We should forget about today

Just like the Beatles used to say
"I believe in yesterday..."

WISH is the future and ASH was the past, what stood in between was WISHBONE ASH.


PostWysłany: Pią Sty 12, 2024 8:36 pm 
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Rejestracja: Wto Lis 19, 2013 3:54 pm
Posty: 1346
Piosenka "You Are You" (1975) nie jest jedną z najlepszych w katalogu irlandzkiego Artysty Gilberta O'Sullivana (u którego wpływy Fab-Maccowe zawsze były/są niezaprzeczalnie słyszalne), ale POETYCKIE porównania adresowane do Ukochanej zawarte w tekście tego utworu są….. :D
(sztuczna inteligencja by tego nie "wymyśliła")



You're every dream I've ever dreamt
You are by far the only apartment
That I'd ever care to rent
You're like Doctor Kissinger
On a peace trip or two
But most important of all
You are you

You're like a painting by Cezanne
A tin of soup by Andy Warhol
A sonata by Chopin
You're like the Queen of England
Not forgetting the Duke
But most important of all
You are you

I'm no genius when it comes to world affairs
On the other hand when I'm with you who cares
As you can see
You're my priority

But most important of all
You are you

I don't suppose that there's the slightest little chance
You might allow me to consummate our romance
You know what, you're a supersonic flight
A song by Lennon and McCartney
A Mohammed Ali fight
You're like Brigitte Bardot
No way Danny La Rue...
But most important of all
You are you
Yes most important of all
You are, you are, you are you

WISH is the future and ASH was the past, what stood in between was WISHBONE ASH.


PostWysłany: Sob Sty 13, 2024 9:08 am 
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Rejestracja: Wto Kwi 11, 2006 10:21 pm
Posty: 2405
Miejscowość: New Salt
Dzięki za przypomnienie Artysty i tej piosenki.
Polecam w wolnej chwili jeszcze...
I'll Believe It When I See It
What’s It All Supposed To Mean?
Nothing Rhymed
Happiness Is Me And You
to tak na początek.

PostWysłany: Sob Sty 13, 2024 6:12 pm 
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Rejestracja: Wto Lis 19, 2013 3:54 pm
Posty: 1346
"Lost a Friend" (1989) to chyba niezbyt powszechnie znany utwór Gilberta O'Sullivana. Napisany został w związku ze śmiercią Johna Lennona.



When you read about somebody special
Who has met an untimely end
Although you didn't even know them personally
Feels like you've lost a friend

And to all the cynics who think Lennon
Only cared about what he could spend
I say to hell with you and your money fixations
Feels like we've lost a friend

And when I die as I must do
I know it's an awful thing to talk about
And I'd give anything for it never to be true
What a way to make a living digging graves
Still you'd never need to fear being made redundant that way

And for those of you who think that Presley
Only cared about what he could spend
Remember that without him might have been no Lennon
Feels like we've lost a friend

And when I die as I must do
I know it's an awful thing to talk about
And I'd give anything for it never to be true
If it's any consolation money buys only material things
No way can it extend your life

When you read about somebody special
Who has met an untimely end
Although you didn't even know them personally
Feels like you've lost a friend

Although you didn't even know them personally
Feels like you've lost a friend

WISH is the future and ASH was the past, what stood in between was WISHBONE ASH.


PostWysłany: Pon Mar 25, 2024 10:11 pm 
Admiral Halsey
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Rejestracja: Wto Paź 12, 2010 6:31 pm
Posty: 870
The Jesus and Mary Chain na albumie ''Glasgow Eyes'' wydanym już w bieżącym roku, zamieścili utwór ''The Eagles and The Beatles''


PostWysłany: Sob Cze 08, 2024 1:51 pm 
Admiral Halsey
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Rejestracja: Wto Paź 12, 2010 6:31 pm
Posty: 870
Po latach powróciłem do wysłuchania bardzo dobrej płyty The Rolling Stones ''A Bigger Bang'' z 2005 roku. A tam w utworze ''Look What the Cat Dragged In'', po raz pierwszy odkryłem taki fragment tekstu pomiędzy 2'04 a 2'10.

PostWysłany: Sob Lut 08, 2025 8:42 pm 
Admiral Halsey
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Rejestracja: Wto Paź 12, 2010 6:31 pm
Posty: 870
The Waterboys. Pewna znana postać wymieniona w 1'51. A dalej sympatyczna gitara akustyczna.

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